Saturday, January 8, 2011

“…..Teach a family to Garden, will feed them a lifetime of freedom”

    Since 2001, we as Americans have seen our country go from a place where the future was relatively bright to a place where the “Terrorists” are not just Afghans in mountains, wanting to kill you, but could be your own neighbor who thinks growing food, making Jams and preserves may be a way to “take you down”. It has become a world where this government can take something that you may not fully understand, and use it to frighten you into tightening the noose around your own neck. The reality of this came as this present administration signed into law the “FOOD SAFETY AND MODERNIZATION ACT” this past week.:
   Now, more than any time in history of the USA, more people are using food banks and food stamps then any time before; that includes the record set last year (2009).:
 Experts say that is going to rise even higher due to the fact that food prices are growing faster than American’s incomes.:

  When the great depression was on in the 1930’s almost 80% of Americans lived and/or worked on a farm. In 2010, that is number is now 2%! We, in this modern “gamer” age; feel completely distant to our food. I have, as recently as 6 months ago, heard a child declare when seeing a cow for the first time, “Wow! What a big dog!” Yet, their parent did not correct them. Which tells me that most likely the said guardian didn’t know what that “thing” mooing at her was either?
  We, the people of the awake and mindful minority, must begin the “evangelical” work of teaching our neighbors what it means to be close to the food we eat. It is time to go on the offensive, in regard to this new legislation. How else can we prevent more of this sort of encroachment of our liberties when the people around us only care about where they are getting their cable internet and that new gaming system that allows us to “play without a joystick”? If we do not start to show at least our own children and families how food is grown and enjoyed, we will be lost. The reason why I bring this up is more than just this act that allows the FDA to swarm your garden because you are a “suspected food terrorist”,:
it is the next level of how we can awaken our families to the loss of our freedom through action. Not protesting or showing folks Agenda 21 files, but by growing and eating your own food.

  There are some folks that are doing this. For example:

  This group is using cooperative farming to bring about the “buy local, think global” to the street. And this year may be the “year of the vegetable”:
These are just some examples of what we should be doing this coming year. It is imperative to start acting in a proactive manner, to bring about awareness of the importance of knowing your food and growing your own. Without this awareness we will have “Waco, TX” incidences, where folks will watch on MSM (Main Stream Media), and say to themselves “They must be terrorists; They’re growing their own food!” This is what the Powers that be, want; through ignorance and fear, they rule without resistance. Only through knowledge and education, can we will bring freedom…..from the ground, up!


  1. Thanks buddy. Good work outta you.


  2. Thanks Paulie!

    Please follow me here, I think that is the way I will communicate with my friends as I transition to the homestead.
