Thursday, December 30, 2010


  I was having a conversation with a friend and we first were speaking about children and then we noticed that both of us (I live in NYC and he in the suburbs of New Jersey) that there is not that many children in our areas in the places we grew up and live in presently. Yet, I have heard stuff from the UN, Al Gore and many others that the population in the world is exploding. 
  So, as any good intellectual would do in this situation, I googled population growth. 
And this is the chart I found:

It shows the World Population growth either plateau or declining worldwide. Then I saw this article on

This makes me think out loud, “Is our world getting depopulated????? And if so, why are so many people encouraging folks to not have children and go on birth control?
The answer is Agenda 21:

It is to control the population to a size that is small enough to manage by a group of people; with the least chance of insurrection.  If that is sounds nuts, then look at the Georgia Guidestones for reference:

More than just a theory, but a documented fact that "whoever" placed those stones, in the US state of Georgia, wants the same thing as the folks at the UN and their sister organizations such as the WHO, WTO, and IMF. Which is a small, controlled population that can be cloistered to the edges of the continents they live on, do what exactly? To save the planet from us of course! But if you look closer you see something that hasn't happened since the Black plague hit Europe; Serfdom.

  The concept of a world population of 500,000,000 (million) people worldwide comes down to less than 20,000 people per 100 mile radius. Tiny groups like tenet farmers, being controlled by even a smaller group of vassals.  And if you look at the history of the ‘Black Death’ it caused three incredible things: 1. Reformation, 2. Education of the masses (Printing press), and the true cause of all this…3. The Rise of the Middle Class!
If we look at our history books, we find that the rise of the middle class brought about all the advances of our modern civilization. The Enlightenment gave us the rediscovery of the ancient philosophers; free thought in matters of science, arts and faith. No longer were we under the thumb of a king or pope to tell us what was right or wrong; true or false; we could determine that for ourselves.
Now, we have people like the UN and other political bodies that tell us that we are destroying our planet with our babies, and with that horrible thing we created called CO2? And if we could only just control our reproduction, and exhaling, we could bring our world back into balance.
Oh, and if you disagree, then we are as Al Gore, Nobel prize winning statesman, says we are “Flat Earthers”.
So, in affect we have traded our priests for scientists and our kings for a world body (UN).  And by the way, if you are a scientist and don’t agree with the “Global Warming”or "Population Bomb" findings, you will be excommunicated…..I mean lose your job and funding.
My point is this, we have allowed people in power to tell us stuff without decent or debate. After over 600 years of relative freedom; if we don’t start the debate, and question everything, we will quietly fall back into the Dark Age we left and lose the very thing that made us free, our minds!

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