Wednesday, February 16, 2011


  Today, as I constantly update this blog, I find that there is an unmistakable reality coming to fruition. Within 2months 3 counties (Tunisia, Egypt and now, Bahrain) have either had their governments fall or are protesting now to have a change in their respective country.  At first glance, we as Americans are excited by the prospect of a “Democratic Movement” in what is a dictatorship(s). But once you look closer, you find that there is some bigger issue going on here.

   One fact is that all the said countries (many more in the Middle East are starting to protest) are either supported or created, by the USA via CIA or IMF movements to “Stabilize” the region. Second, it seems that all these “Friends” of the West, are being toppled because the fact that there is no way to feed their people and/or continue to support them financially.  Wait a minute? Most of these countries are oil producing countries?  Why can’t they support their people financially? This is because their source of GDP is collapsing.  
 In which, brings me to two other questions that may scare you and definitely scares me. 1. If we have reached peak oil, what will happen to the region? 2. If the first is true, then what will happen to the world economy?
Let see if the first question is true. I could spend a ton of lines on this subject alone, so instead, I will place hyperlinks to a you tuber named “Goat hollow” ( ) and his videos on peak oil.
Here are the links in question: Episodes 1-6 this should get you up to speed:

  Now that you are up to speed, I will now go to the next part, what are the Powers That Be, (whoever THEY are) up to? I believe that those folks have seen what is coming months, if not years ago and are causing these “Revolutions” to distract from what is really going on; they’re getting out of the Middle East and are heading to a place where they can make the next profit center. 
If you think I am nuts at this point, look at these main stream news articles then come back to my hypothesis:

  So, for at least 4 years the banks, investors and the policy makers knew that there would be, as in the wikileaks, article, 40% drop from the official estimates of oil reserves in the Arabian peninsula. So, the fact that Arabs in the connecting states (Middle East) not having jobs, food and a evaporating middle class were not only on their radar, they were planning for the time that they,(Banker, Policy Makers, etc) would leave from the region.
  This brings me to question two; these folks that have raped the resources in the Middle East, and made the area unstable to prevent a cohesive region in which the profits from the oil would benefit its people, are now “allowing” democracy to happen? Let me ask you a question, what is that regions second largest export? Answer: Nothing, nothing at all. For without oil revenue, you send that area back to before 1917. You might as well have sent them back to the dark ages. This is why “Democracy” is being grown in the region when before the US, and the British before us, would only allow harsh dictatorships and military Juntas. We can now also see why Iran wanted to start building Nuclear reactors. Not because of the Terrorist boogie man, or war with Israel; but because that country knew that its reserves would only last so long and needed an alternative to continue its society.

  Now for the scary part, what happens to us (USA)? There is a direct correlation with the growth of our society, population, and longevity. It is oil as well. If you look at history, there is a direct connection between our prosperity and the discovery of oil and oil related products. In fact the clothes you wear, the car you drive and the computer device you are reading this blog on are all derived from oil. Not to mention modern medicines, and other lifesaving devices are all made in part or whole from oil. Without oil, we have disentropy; a decline in our way of life, and the breakdown in our society. 

Oil, like no other product does so many things besides just heat our homes and makes our cars move, it makes everything happen in our lives.

  So, what I am saying is watch carefully, this “democracy” will spread all over the region. It is a distraction, so that the folks that made their money can move on to the next scam and watch the greater disentropic Tsunami fall on the folks the need it the most……us!

You are warned.